
Month: January 2023

Media prevention in the 8th grade

At the age of 14, one becomes of age to commit a crime. High time to get educated about issues like cyberbullying. The Itzehoer police took over this personally for the 8th classes.

Source: Norddeutsche Rundschau, 01/25/2013

Reading Competition – School Result

Reading is cinema in the head and a trip to foreign worlds – not only because of that reading is fun. Some students who love to read wanted to give that enjoyment to their classmates. They brought their favourite books to school, found out exciting text parts and tried to read them out as appealingly as possible. Volunteers were able to apply for the reading competition of the German book trade (“Vorlesewettbewerb des deutschen Buchhandels”) which is one of the biggest student competitions in Germany. Tristan Rathjen (6a), Sara Kötschau (6b), Tjark Sadowski (6c) and Björk Schütz (6d) took part in the school competition of the Auguste Viktoria school. Their classes had chosen them as best readers before. Rasmus Schorf (6e) had been chosen as well but couldn’t take part because of an illness.

The read out texts were diverse: Fantasy stories (“Warrior Cats”, “Schule der magischen Tiere”), a detective story (“TKKG: Rätsel um die alte Villa”) and a classic (“Peterson feiert Weihnachten”) were read out.

Sara Kötschau won the school competition. The school community congrats her and wishes good luck for the participation in the upcoming district competition.

Author: Nadine Kaiser