School parents council
The students’ parents get involved in the life of the school community as a part of the parental involvement. All of the class parent councils (3-4 per class) are forming the school parents council. All of the class parent representatives are invited to the meetings and get the minutes of these. In the inner school community as well as among the school panels we´re communicating systematically and transparently. Coordinated by the principal, students, parents and teachers are working on further development. Through the broad work of the school parents council many parents can get involved. They will also get the needed information to actively participate in project school. This will positively affect the “We-feeling” of the school community.
A wide range of opinions and the transparency of school life are a basic maximisation of the school parents council which is promoted by the active participation of parent representatives in existing working groups, committees, and conferences. In this way they represent the interests of the students, but always keep the well-being of the entire student body / school in mind. The heads of the school parents council work together in meetings to develop proposals for joint parental work. Regular conversations with the school leadership are held and are an important part of the exchange of opinions. In addition, the board not only participates in important school events but also in extracurricular council meetings (e. g. the Itzehoe city school committee) and if necessary carries out public relations work.
It is our concern, to positively shape and support the surrounding in which our kids and their teachers stay the most time of the day. Our families will profit from a “healthy” school, too.
The heads of the school parents council of the Auguste Viktoria school (AVS):
Ulf Hilbert (President)
Inga Behrmann
Anja Frey
Frank Brüggmann-Gundlach
Frank Siewert
You find the documents of the school parents council in the download-area among the category “parents”.