“He who reads books, looks into the world and not only up to the fence.”
Subject chair: Claudia Pöhl (Ph)
We accompany the students in getting to know and exlore the world of language and literature.
In this context, cultural education is a overarching goal of the work in German.
It is necessary to be able to communicate according to the situation and addressee to be able to participate in cultural life. We want to enable the students to use the German language in a downright and functional way.
We want to promote the speaking and listening, the writing, the reading and the working with texts and media in every grade.
The students should be qualified to use the language creatively.
We work closely with representatives of the cultural sector, both regionally and supraregionally.
Reading competition 6th grade, Schölers lest platt, writing workshops
Teacher | Second subject |
Mrs Carstens | Geography |
Mrs Christiansen | French |
Mrs Gärtner | History |
Mrs Hansen | Art |
Mr Janku | French |
Mrs Kaiser | Geography |
Mrs Kühl | Religion |
Mr Löbel | Philosophy, Catholic Religion |
Mrs Pöhl | English |
Mrs Rentzow | English |
Mrs Reschner | Geography |
Mrs Rodríguez | Spanish |
Mrs Schürmann | Latin |
Mr Stoltefuß | Physical Education |
Mrs Widera | History |