
Category: Unkategorisiert

The homepage in English

Ms Veit’s profile seminar has been working on the translation of our homepage throughout the last few weeks and the result is impressive: All relevant pages and the latest contributions are now also available in English. Thus, the digital AVS is well positioned for our Erasmus+ project.

Quelle: Norddeutsche Rundschau, 22.5.23

Q1 philosophy-courses in the Museum of Work

On March 7th, 2023, the philosophy courses of Mr. Wenderoth and Mr.
Löbel made their way to Hamburg to visit the Museum of Work
and to look at the exhibition about the origin of the universe.

A report by Finja Geib

Media prevention in the 8th grade

At the age of 14, one becomes of age to commit a crime. High time to get educated about issues like cyberbullying. The Itzehoer police took over this personally for the 8th classes.

Source: Norddeutsche Rundschau, 01/25/2013

Reading Competition – School Result

Reading is cinema in the head and a trip to foreign worlds – not only because of that reading is fun. Some students who love to read wanted to give that enjoyment to their classmates. They brought their favourite books to school, found out exciting text parts and tried to read them out as appealingly as possible. Volunteers were able to apply for the reading competition of the German book trade (“Vorlesewettbewerb des deutschen Buchhandels”) which is one of the biggest student competitions in Germany. Tristan Rathjen (6a), Sara Kötschau (6b), Tjark Sadowski (6c) and Björk Schütz (6d) took part in the school competition of the Auguste Viktoria school. Their classes had chosen them as best readers before. Rasmus Schorf (6e) had been chosen as well but couldn’t take part because of an illness.

The read out texts were diverse: Fantasy stories (“Warrior Cats”, “Schule der magischen Tiere”), a detective story (“TKKG: Rätsel um die alte Villa”) and a classic (“Peterson feiert Weihnachten”) were read out.

Sara Kötschau won the school competition. The school community congrats her and wishes good luck for the participation in the upcoming district competition.

Author: Nadine Kaiser

AVS Christmas Bazaar

This year’s christmas bazaar was a big success and filled up the bazaar cash register very well! The organisers Mrs Raab and Mrs Reschner are very thankful for the good engagement of the school community.

Students of the Q2e on their visitt to the Ørestad Gymnasium in Copenhagen

“My highlight was the exchange with the Danish students”

As early as April 2022, Ms. Kopp and Mr. Frahm made their first visit to the Ørestad Gymnasium in Copenhagen to establish a long-term cooperation between the schools. At the end of September, 13 students of the Q2e left for Copenhagen, accompanied by Ms. Hoffmann and Mr. Frahm, to realise the first Erasmus+ funded project with the new partner school in Copenhagen.
In terms of content, Timothy Snyder’s ideas for promoting democracy were the focus of the project, in addition to the general exchange about everyday school and personal life. The basic text had been worked on in advance by both classes in their geography classes, so that options for promoting democracy in everyday life could then be discussed on site in Copenhagen.
In addition to the substantive work in the classroom, there was also time on the trip to see the impressive school building on the island of Amager and the entire Danish capital with its innovative (bicycle) infrastructure, ‘hygge’ city center and imposing new buildings on foot, by bike, in the driverless metro or by boat.
The final conclusion about the trip to Copenhagen was very positive. Not only Lorenz (Q2e) thought that the exchange with the Danish students was one of the highlights. This is particularly pleasing because preparations for further visits are already planned – in Copenhagen but also in Itzehoe – so that other students of the senior classes will also be able to benefit from the cooperation between the AVS and Ørestad Gymnasium in the future.

Author: Benjamin Frahm

Physics – only for boys?? No way!

Um dieses Vorurteil zu entkräften, finden an der CAU in Kiel im Wechsel mit Hamburg alle 4 Jahre die Projekttage Physik und Technik (kurz: PPT) statt. Diese Projekttage bieten Oberstufenschülerinnnen aus Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg die Möglichkeit, Labore kennen zu lernen, zu experimentieren und an einem Projekt ihrer Wahl zu forschen. Die diesjährigen Projekte waren u. a. Thermographie, Physik und Musik, Interferometrie, Wasserraketen, Quantenwelten und Staub im Plasma.
Dieses Jahr hatte Greta Lachnit aus der Q2b, dem Physikprofil von Herrn Vollmert, das Glück, an dieser Veranstaltung teilnehmen zu dürfen. Sie konnte in der Zeit vom 17.8. -20.8.22 an dem Projekt „Wasserraketen“ forschen.
Am letzten Tag wurden die Projekte dann einem interessierten Publikum vorgestellt.
2024 finden die nächsten PPT in Hamburg statt.

Text: Wy, Photos: private