“Let’s not make the mistake to always doubt either the mind or the good will of someone with a different opinion.”
Otto von Bismarck
Head of history: Beate Gärtner (Gt), Gritt Rosengarth (Ro)
Department of history
History is omnipresent, but just who knows and understands the past can get orientation in the present and be a part of it as well as shape the future.
At the AVS the history lessons start in the 6th grade and lead the students primarily to their own and personal history. In the further course of the orientational level and middle level knowledge about the past – from the stone age throughout the middle ages to the contemporary events – is acquired and used. A variety of methods, e.g. roleplaying or the creation of an exhibition are making the history lessons rich in variety. Excursions (e.g. to the open air museum in the 6th grade or to the holocaust memorial in Neuengamme in the 9th grade) or lectures from external speakers support the learning process and are letting “history” become experiential.
In the senior classes the students have the basic knowledge of history and the fundamental historic competences. The history lessons are now supporting them increasingly in their role as young adults to be aware of the varied tasks and possibilities for participation in society. History is taught consistently in the senior classes. This has been done continously as a profile subject at the AVS since 2012, as well.
Teacher | Second subject | Mr. Ehrhardt | Mathematics, Information science |
Mrs. Gärtner | German |
Mrs. Manderfeld | English | Mrs. Meyer | English | Mrs. Rosengarth | English | Mr. Sachtleben | WiPo | Mr. Wenderoth | Philosophy | Mrs. Widera | German |
Mr. Wienrich | Latin |