Since August 2010 the AVS has been an „Offene Ganztagsschule“ (engl.: open all day school). That means we’re offering different projects from Monday to Friday where students can participate. In addition there is a „Wartezeitbetreuung“ from Monday to Thursday (eng.: waiting time care) where students can do fun things and wait for their bus or their parents. They can also do their homework there.
In addition, there is waiting time care from Monday to Thursday for children who have to wait for their bus, and of course homework supervision by older students.
A warm lunch is also provided for in our modern canteen.
projects 2nd semester 2018/19
The participation for the pupils is free to choose. Whether costs are incurred depends on the respective project. The same applies to the minimum age of the participants. You can find the information in the overview of offered projects.
The projects are offered by teachers, pupils and parents.
New project offers are always welcome.